The Current Status of Growing Media
Welcome to the American Floral Endowment’s Grow Pro Webinar Series! Throughout this series, our nationally recognized researchers, hosts, and speakers will offer ‘how-to’ advice based on AFE-funded and other research projects to help the industry navigate through these ever-changing growing challenges. The webinar topics are current and offer long-term opportunities for growers to focus on increased profit, greater sustainability, and improved labor efficiency. Each session includes a presentation and interactive Q&A. To see the full series calendar visit
The May 18th session of our series focuses on growing media.
Growing media seems to change constantly as growers seek a medium to grow plants successfully at the least costs. There have been major changes in growing media in the last 10 – 15 years.
Topics will include:
What is important in a good growing media?
Are there new components that growers should consider and are the components sustainable?
What should growers be asking their suppliers when selecting a high-quality growing media?
Speaker: Brian Jackson, NC State University