III Asian Horticultural Congress AHC
AHC 2020 will be a platform aimed at sharing recent research and development findings and innovation in various fields of horticulture and creating a network of technical cooperation among Asian horticulturists and relevant parties which will be included in a two-day scientific program.
The Asian Horticultural Congress or AHC was initiated by the Horticultural Societies of 3 countries: the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea, and Japan. Consultations were held in mid 2007 to seek avenues of cooperation and exchanges of knowledge on research and development connected with horticulture at the regional level through quadrennial conferences.
The first conference (AHC 2008) was organized during 11-13 December 2008 in Jeju, the Republic of Korea and the second conference (AHC 2016) was convened in Chengdu, Sichuan province of the People’s Republic of China during 26-28 September 2016. At the AHC 2016, it was agreed that AHC 2020 will be held in Thailand.