Hortiflorexpo IPM Shanghai 2021

The Hortiflorexpo IPM is the largest and most important specialized horticultural fair in China. It is held every year alternately in Beijing and Shanghai. At this event the entire Chinese horticultural industry comes together, whose sales are predicted to show double-digit growth in the future. Due to the increasing air pollution and house construction, there is a rising demand for new urban and real estate landscaping. In addition, China has become one of the most important producers of flowers and plants. The interest is constantly increasing. Furthermore, the current trend topics biotechnology and modern gardening technology offer even more growth potentials. The Hortiflorexpo IPM is the ideal place for providing a suitable platform for innovations, trends and new products of the industry. The exhibition shows an extensive selection from the areas of plants, engineering, floristry and sales promotion. The fair will be accompanied by numerous gardening seminars and demonstrations by renowned international florists and other industry professionals.


May 15 – 17 2021

Hora local

  • Zona horaria: America/New_York
  • Fecha: May 14 – 17 2021
  • Hora: 18:00 – 17:59
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