EFSA’s Scientific Colloquium 27 “Cell culture-derived foods and food ingredients”

Recent advances in fields such as tissue engineering, cell culture and synthetic biology have paved the way for new technological approaches and products in the agri-food sector. Among these, cell culture-derived foods of animal or plant origin and food ingredients produced through precision fermentation stand out.
In the EU system, these kinds of products require pre-market authorisation under different sectoral regulatory frameworks involving EFSA’s scientific advice, such as the novel food and the food additives regulations. Therefore, it is essential that EFSA’s risk assessment methodologies and expertise in the field keep abreast of these technological developments.

With this Scientific Colloquium, we would like to bring together relevant experts and stakeholders to discuss ongoing trends and research on the topic, and the requirements for keeping EFSA’s risk assessment fit-for-purpose.


May 11 – 12 2023

Hora local

  • Zona horaria: America/New_York
  • Fecha: May 10 – 12 2023
  • Hora: 18:00 – 17:59
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