Digital Agriculture

Digital Agriculture, Regulatory and Scientific Aspects of Precision Application

Information available online at:


Regulatory Status
The Commission on the status of precision applications in the regulatory system • EFSA: Ideas on how to include precision uses in risk assessment

Relevant Developments & Regulatory Challenges
Implications of precision farming for risk assessment
BVL and Syngenta: How to express precision uses of pesticides in the GAP-table

Technology & Research
The British HSE on drone technology and assessing the risks from pesticide applications
Julius Kühn Institute on the power of system integration and the role of research in new technologies


Dormund – Dusseldorf Germ,any


Abr 10 – 11 2024

Hora local

  • Zona horaria: America/New_York
  • Fecha: Abr 10 – 11 2024
  • Hora: Evento de todo el día


Die Akademie Fresenius
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