International Day of Plant Health May 12, 2023 (

(May 31, 2023. The winner will be announced on June 21 in a dedicated event that will be hosted at CIHEAM Bari)

The United Nations has declared 12 May International Day of Plant Health (IDPH). In this context, we all need to raise awareness on how protecting plant health can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment and promote economic development.

The Mediterranean Phytopathological Union is dedicated to promoting phytosanitary research in Mediterranean crops and wants to collaborate in promoting the VIDEO CONTEST launched to give visibility to phytosanitary research activities conducted by MSc and PhD students and early career researchers by the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies of Bari (CIHEAM Bari), the Plant Biosecurity Research Initiative (PBRI-Australia) and the Euphresco Network for phytosanitary research coordination and funding (Euphresco).

A number of abstracts presented as poster contributions will be selected for short oral presentation and discussion. Participation of young researchers is strongly encouraged, and reduced registration rates are available for students and fellows. Awards will be given to best student posters and presentations.

We are looking forward to welcome you in Limassol. Your attendance will contribute to the fruitful exchange of scientific ideas and help to forge new friendships and future collaborations. We are sure that your participation in the conference and your experience in our city will be scientifically rewarding, highly enjoyable and truly unforgettable.


Bari, Italy
Bari, Italy
Via G. Amendola 165/a 70126 Bari – Italy


May 31 2023

Hora local

  • Zona horaria: America/New_York
  • Fecha: May 31 2023
  • Hora: Evento de todo el día
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