Agricultural Innovation Driving Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals

The need to innovate in agriculture is more urgent than ever. Rising populations will require 60% more food by 2050. Increasing urbanization in Africa and Asia and the impacts of climate change demand we produce this food with fewer inputs. While much of the world struggles with the threat of food insecurity, the cost of nutritious foods in the developing world far exceeds that paid in industrialized nations.
The International Potato Center, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, is delighted to sponsor this special event to discuss the crucial role of agricultural innovation to overcome these challenges and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. In particular, this event will focus on how collaboration with international partners and within the CGIAR can contribute to the momentum leading up to the One CGIAR’s arrival at the 2021 Food Systems Summit, a key event for initiating global initiatives for food systems transformation.


Jun 01 2021

Hora local

  • Zona horaria: America/New_York
  • Fecha: May 31 2021 – Jun 01 2021
  • Hora: 18:00 – 17:59
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